Monday, May 6, 2013


Song 33:

Sure we're becoming an individualistic society. We fend for ourselves, we are much more selfish than our parents' generation, we focus on what we want.  For many of us, we're happy being solo. But what's life when sung all solo! There is fun in duets. Duets reveal chemistry, biology, social sciences, harmony, coordination, adaptation and improvisation. When two brilliant singers sing together, they bring out the best in each other. They may complement each other or compete with each other. But they will surely co-opt and co-erce hitherto unchartered paths and territories from each other. If both the artists are confident of their own selves, they will never infringe upon each other's identity and turf.

Exploring some duets of Asha and Geeta and I have to, have to begin with Rafi. Both Asha and Geeta had brilliant duets with Rafi. Now here was a combo where the deep, masculine and very Indian voice of Rafi intermingled with the vivacious charm of Asha/Geeta. It always spelled magic. So while Lata Rafi duets are memorable and almost too perfect, the ones in this segment will give you something to ruminate, something to mull over. A thrill, a pep, like a gentle zephyr blowing on a balmy night. Sugar and spice, brawn and blush, swagger and swoon, Martini and moon. You conjure images of a confident, strong, solid man (Rafi) and a not-so- sure, not- so- perfect, not-so-prima-donna, girl next door (Geeta Dutt). She may huff and puff but she is not haughty for long, she can be won over with little humour, with some personalised attention. She may pretend to throw a tantrum but not for long. The guy was just too adept at handling her. And anyway time spent frowning is such a waste of time. (And it gives you facial lines in the wrong places). So the result of these Rafi-Geeta songs is simply magic.

And what lovely styling. Simply love Shyama's ensemble, casual messy plaits, peddlepushers, a deserted garage, some nimble piano notes, yeah, very old Hollywood musical. This is a mid-summer night's dream. Full marks to Guru Dutt for directing and acting so well at that young age. Of course the music by O P Nayyar and lyrics by Majrooh Sultanpuri add to the charm of this sweet 'getting mock angry and make up song'. Do make up before going to bed-that's a golden rule. Have a great night with your loved ones! 

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