Saturday, May 25, 2013


Song 45:

But it was not before long that the traveller had to get back to the urbane charms of the metropolis. The club crooner had been waiting anxiously for him all this while. Only he could match her vitality, her verve. She was after all textured from the darkest hour of the night, vileful and enchanting. She was a restless spirit, searching, probing, seeking that paramour par excellence. Someone who could match steps with her zest for life. Someone who could kindle the fire in her. She was not bothered if she got burnt in the flame. She was a firebrand too.

A lesser woman would have kept away and tamed herself, but not the club crooner. She courted danger every night. She walked the tight rope with elan. Her passion was her propellant. She could burn the floor with her moves, her meandering curves leading him into a maze of mysteries, till he was wrapped around her little finger. When the two of them got together, any Ms. Goody two shoes was reduced to watching gobsmacked, frozen to her seat. Club crooner may not have been the lead woman, but steal the show she could! Yes, with great finesse and flourish, right from under Ms. Goody Two shoes' hoity toity little nose!

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