Friday, May 24, 2013


Song 43:

And sometimes when they met in the morning hours, it was  as if calm descended on Earth. The still waters of the lake woke up to mirror their sentiments, the stray clouds watched in wonder, awestruck. There were no facades, there were no fake platitudes. What they felt for each other was as true as the beautiful mountains behind. Solid and stable, waiting for centuries to see this very morning. There was joy in confession. There was peace in truth. For the truth was that they were made for each other. They felt fortunate to have met despite all odds. The traveller from the plains had come here to witness the beauty of this beautiful valley. She, a spring flower had in fact bloomed for a hundred years, every year, to finally be seen and admired by the traveller. As they disclosed age-old secrets buoyed on a shaky shikara, Kashmir sizzled with endless possibilities......

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