Monday, November 18, 2013


Song 83:

Lata and Asha have another sister Usha Mangeshkar, who too is a singer. She has had some very popular numbers but she could never reach the giddy heights reached by Lata and Asha. But sisters have a way of standing by each other and giving strength to each other. The result is some fabulous duets that Usha Mangeshkar sang with either of the two more successful sisters. Usha's voice which is otherwise a little on the shrill side, somehow blossoms beautifully when supported by Lata or Asha. The effect was always electrifying, in ways even better than say Lata and Asha together.

Those days films also had these typical dance duets where two exemplary dancers would be pitted against each other to win the heart of some Maharaja! In many songs there was some East verses West rivalry going on. These were probably the earliest item numbers. This one such song that became very popular. Even both the dancers, Helen and Ragini (who too was the youngest of the famed Travancore Sisters-Lalitha, Padmini and Ragini) match step to step. I am sure the filming technologies were not so advanced and unlike today where dances are choreographed in a highly digitised, scene by scene, cut by cut format, they often had to execute the dance in one shot. Often they made their own steps on the spot. But at the same time only genuine dancers with either a classical dance training background or with a rare natural dancing talent would perform these numbers. There was a lot more fluidity and synergy in the steps. The kinship and camaraderie was evident.

Sisters too have a special way of easing out all your worries and being the best stress busters. Often even sharing your clothes, cosmetics and crushes at times, there is no topic or no request that is taboo for sisters! I do not have a real sis but am close to some cousins who, whenever I am getting listless, a day spent with them can be a great stress buster. You can pour your heart out and air those little heartaches! Bonding on food, music, fashion or plain bitching can be cure to many issues. That reminds me of one of my didis who has always nurtured my quest for exploring arts, literature and music. We may not talk everyday even being in the same city but every few weeks she takes me to a concert(one of her own or otherwise) or a mushaira and soon the event is just an excuse to connect sans the families necessarily. Once she had called me for a Jagjit Singh concert and as expected there was huge queue. We waited for almost half an hour in the line so oblivious to anybody else. We were taking snide pot shots at all the distant relatives or friends we find weird or funny besides venting out about the significant others. After about a half an hour of that we noticed there was a newly married lovey dovey couple behind us. But the look on their faces seemed as if they had been chastened all of a sudden. We had certainly exploded their love bubble for a while with our cutting and brutally honest commentary on relationships in general! Hahaha Then we didn't know where to look!

Anyway enjoy this song which is all good. Ooh both these two sets of women I think have outdone each other both in terms of singing and dancing! 

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