Monday, November 4, 2013


Song 76:

Then there were times when the crooner was restless and excited. She needed no intoxication as in the previous song. The times were intoxicating enough. The now hot now cold weather played on her mind. It was the best of seasons after all. Neither too hot to sweat and pant, nor too cold to turn blue. The cool breeze filled her parlour with the scent of anticipation. Her flowing gown billowed with joy and mischief. Her sparkling eyes hid many secret plans and her tresses yearned to ensnare him. The million dollar smile was but for him and her arms ached to embrace him. While he silently watched her from afar, she went berserk unaware of his attention. She couldn't wait to be with him. Her heart seemed to leap out of her bossom and her tiny waist did a jig of it's own. Her feet wouldn't stay still and broke into a dance time and again. Oh only to get a glance of him. She knew it would be a sleepless night. And the day would be special. Her dreams led her on. One day they would celebrate each day with abandon. For now she was happy greeting each day even if with a hint of the giddy passion and ardour of her dreams. 

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