Thursday, July 25, 2013


Song 55:

When taking time off the singing /dancing diva was like an oasis in the harsh desert of life. She could provide succour and sense to the hero, calm his frayed nerves, get him to see the silver lining in every grey cloud.  When the guy faced challenges, she was there to let him know that no matter what went wrong, at least they always had each other.

Their moments together were like a shot of life-giving elixir. No trial no tribulation was big enough, or worth bothering about. Yes, life was tough and there were challenges galore. There were bad days, trying times, intrigues, back-stabbings, accusations, accessions. There were tough professional decisions one often had to take. There were great personal compromises one had to make juggling the various roles in life. But in the cosy cocoon of each other's arms they found answers to all the world's problems. At least they thought they could solve all the world's problems with their optimism and courage.

Refreshed, rejuvenated, they got up, dusted off the dirt and were ready to face a new day. One of those quintessentially nice Asha-Kishore duets. Now that was a singing match made in heaven. Together Asha & Kishore are my favourite singing couple with so many fun songs. Starting today with this sedate and solemn one. Lyrics are by that doyen Sahir and music by RD (yes RD could belt out a solemn tune when he wanted). But believe me the fun has just begun. Of course Shashi Kapoor is an absolute darling in this-worried, intense, guarded, brooding-someone you'd like to reach out to and console. He plays the conscientious police officer troubled with impediments to justice and Neetu provides just the perfect foil. Great love stories are made of these-casting your apprehensions aside, rising up to the occasion and supporting your partner no matter what!

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