Saturday, September 21, 2013


Song 73:

Gosh, it's been ages since we last communicated. My wi-fi at home had gone kaput and there was no way I could get round to blogging at work. It's been one helluva busy time at work. But now I am at peace. Taken a decision and sticking by it. I have never been scared of following my heart, both in my career and relationships. And somehow God has been kind and always shown me a new path, exciting and fun, at each step. 

Looking forward to this little breather. Will surely do things that a 9-6 job often doesn't allow you the time to pursue. These breathers have always helped me grow and evolve, cultivate new interests, develop new faculties. It is important after all to revel in the beauty of a cloudy sky, to smell a rose, to take a deep breath and patiently watch a golden sunset. Yes I was earning well and now I will have to be more careful with my spending. But there have been times in the recent past when I have not had the time or the inclination to enjoy my money, so tired and stressed out I used to be.

Now this song has the typical joie de vivre, as if sung on a lark. Yeah, I am not done with Asha-Rafi yet. I had but given you a glimpse of their talent through the decades picking one song per decade, but there is a wealth of songs still unexplored. I am back from a walk through a breezy, merrily moist night. This was the first song that sprung to my mind. Suchitra Sen is simply gorgeous. What a smile! Dev Anand is well, just being himself. The story was pretty avant garde, pretty bold but very deftly handled. And I have a little memory attached to the song. We had a Phillips Karaoke Competition in 3rd year of college. They came with a list of songs. We had to choose a song on the spot and sing in front of a packed auditorium. Out of the blue I selected this one and sang it. Now I am an untrained voice but dabble at singing as music is pretty much steeped in my maternal family. Sure enough, I won the first prize (I have just been insanely lucky in most singing competitions all my life) and I got a lovely Phillips music system. Well that system still lies, creaky and old in some little alcove seating corner of my parent's home in Chandigarh and my mom dusts it lovingly once in a while. That's why visits to your parents' homes are so important. They bring back the child in you and remind you of your hidden joys.

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