Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Song 70:

And then some love stories remain intangible. You're almost there and yet an elusive air pervades. What is lacking? Two great people, perfect setting, similar thoughts, simmering chemistry. A full moon may be shining on an ink blue night, you would be deserted on a yacht in the middle of nowhere, cool breeze blowing. Yet something prevents the two to get together. It is almost as if there is an invisible chasm between the two. They flit in and out of each other's lives, ruffle a few feathers, flutter a few eyelashes, utter a few words of love and passion but the relationship never develops to consummation. What is left is just a few memories, a whiff of the special scent of that woman, a faint shadow of that glint in his eyes. Perhaps these relationships are meant to fade away into the horizon, almost like a fable or a myth.

Perhaps they were too perfect together. Perhaps they were not meant to experience the ennui of routines, of those in between periods of nothingness and boredom. Destiny had spared such romances the ordinariness of a snoring partner, the puffiness of the morning after, the puking after the two champagnes down drive, the PMSs and the unshaved legs, the outburst of sudden acne and the mood swings. This could be the only reason that some loves come into our lives and remain a bit incomplete. They retain a freshness and anticipation. They fill in the blanks.There's no 'been there done that' dead end here.

Just the way some projects, movies, programmes made with the best of efforts and intentions fail to see the light of day due to unexplained reasons. They just do not take off in spite of all the hard work and planning and spade work that goes into them.This beautiful Asha Bhosle-Rafi duet is from one such movie that never got released. I think Sadhana looks her best ever (though I say that in every song of hers!) and Guru Dutt too looks devastating. An almost ethereal setting. Beautiful music by N Datta. What a pity it never got seen in a movie hall. But such is life. At the end of the day you can just resign to your fate and accept that we can't control everything. Better to have made that effort and failed than to have never tried. Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

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