Sunday, April 14, 2013


Song 25:
Back home at a safe time after a lovely evening. This is Delhi baba! Whatever said and done, I like to be back home in Delhi at a safe hour. Club crooner though at times had to hitch-hike back home, and not in the best of states. This is a real fun Asha song picturised on Parveen Babi. Now Parveen did sexy dumb really well. Absolutely gorgeous, she was one of the first Indian actresses to be featured on International magazines such as Vogue and Time etc. I loved her looks as a kid and found this song particularly amusing. Also I am sure everyone remembers her 'making an omelette scene' where she breaks eggs on her head, one of the most hilarious scenes ever.
Now I am not in anyway endorsing drunk behaviour or advocating all that she does in this song. Just one of those harmless fun numbers to be enjoyed and not to be emulated. But also true that such behaviour often emerges from a state of homelessness of the mind and soul more than anything else. The soul is a restless being, shifting, searching, wandering. It takes a while before it finds its moorings. Not so easy to rein it in but worth making an effort. One way is to maintain proximity with those who put it at ease, who calm you, hear you out without being judgemental. We all need anchors and when we find that island of hope, warmth and wisdom, drop the anchors, take rest and enjoy some moments of peace.
Heavy gyaan late in the night. I guess having changed atleast 30 houses in my nomadic life-though some of them were clearly spectacular, from tents to bashaws to bamboo shacks to British style bungalows to barracks to spooky haunted houses- I am just happy to announce I am not beghar anymore. I have a sweet little house of my own that I am dying to do up nicely. Makes me a little philosophical and remember all the years gone by in a constant state of homelessness!!! ;-))

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